by Ourmarriage Consultant
16 Aug 2016
Children in the Wedding Ceremony Children make a delightful addition to any wedding celebration. When including children in the wedding party, it is important to note their enthusiasm and excitement. It often equals, if not exceeds, that of the other attendants. Be sure to ask early in your planning, giving the child, “the joy of looking forward to the big day” and telling all their...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
16 Aug 2016
The “Wedding Survival Kit” is a must for every bride. The following list includes items you will want to assemble and take to your wedding in the event of a “minor emergency.” A beautiful hat box makes a great wedding survival kit or you can simply take these things along in your overnight bag. Makeup Kit Hand Mirror Hair Spray Nail Glue Deodorant Toothpaste Tampons/Kotex...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
16 Aug 2016
Planning a ceremony timetable to follow for your wedding day must be customized to each individual situation. The following guidelines for the ceremony timetable assume a church wedding with wedding photos taken in advance of the ceremony, which is becoming more popular every year. Ceremony Timetable: Two and a half to three hours prior to the ceremony: The bride, her mother, and attendants arrive at...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
16 Aug 2016
The Rehearsal Dinner The wedding rehearsal is followed by a dinner for members of the wedding party. The grooms parents traditionally are responsible for the financial obligation of the rehearsal dinner, however any other close relative or friend may do the honor. All attendants, the bride and her fiancé’s immediate families, the officiate and spouse, as well as any out-of-town guests are included in the...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
16 Aug 2016
The Bridal Brunch The bridal brunch gives the bride an opportunity to spend quality time with members of her family who have come from far and wide to be with her on this special day. It is not a time for her to visit with, or entertain aunt Mary down the street, or cousin Debbie across town. However, if the bride chooses to invite close...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
16 Aug 2016
The wedding breakfast is most often hosted by a friend or neighbor of the bride, in honor of all those who have come from out-of-town for the occasion. This wedding breakfast is a wonderful way to occupy and entertain guests who may feel in need of a warm welcome. Neither the bride, nor her groom and families are expected to attend the wedding breakfast, although...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
16 Aug 2016
The Bachelor Party The bachelor dinner or bachelor party is another one of those optional customs and has long held a reputation as the last chance for the groom and his attendants to release their pre-wedding jitters. The bachelor party dinner may be hosted by the groom’s friends or by the groom himself, in much the same way the bride hosts the bridesmaid luncheon. It...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
16 Aug 2016
The Bridesmaid Luncheon In appreciation and gratitude for their participation in her wedding, it is traditional for the bride to treat her maids to a party. It may be an elegant afternoon tea, dinner out at the finest restaurant, or a pizza extravaganza held in a private home. It doesn’t so much matter, the formality of the affair, but the importance is in making everyone...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
16 Aug 2016
Bridal Showers Traditionally, bridal showers are given by the maid/matron of honor, or close friend of the bride. It is not proper for an immediate family member of the couple to host the shower . To do so, would appear they were asking for gifts and is not in good taste. The party itself may be scheduled at any time convenient for the bride and...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
16 Aug 2016
Veiling Illusion is a very fine quality of veiling imported from England or France. It may be found trimmed with lace or embroidery, but commonly used without edging. Blusher is a loose veil worn forward over the face, or back over the headpiece; often attached to a longer, two or three tiered veil. Fingertip length has long been the most popular, gracefully falling across the...
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