by Ourmarriage Consultant
19 Aug 2016
Asking for Money as a Gift Money – to ask or not to ask, that is the question. And the answer is definitely not to ask…but that doesn’t mean someone can’t get the word out for you. So…what’s the real story about money as a wedding gift? The first part of the story is that it is never appropriate for the bride or groom to...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
19 Aug 2016
Save the Date Etiquette You’re engaged! You have set the date, booked the church and the reception hall and now you can start thinking about that guest list. Whether your wedding is to be a grand and elaborate affair, or just a simple gathering, you want all of your guests to be there. Why not send out Save the Date cards? Save the Date...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
19 Aug 2016
Calling the Wedding Off You have heard it said on more than one occasion, “better a broken engagement today, than a broken home tomorrow.” At some point during wedding planning, many couples have normal doubts and last minute jitters. After all, it is only natural. The importance of choosing a mate cannot be over emphasized. There are few decisions in life so important and of...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
19 Aug 2016
The Wedding Invitation The following are questions received from visitors. My parents will be paying for the wedding and my fiances parents are divorced and remarried, how do we word the wedding invitation to include all three sets of parents? Thank you! Amy Dear Amy As a general rule of etiquette, the parents paying for the wedding are the ones issuing the invitation. In...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
19 Aug 2016
How To Write a Thank You Card A personal thank you note is the only appropriate way to say “Thank You!” At one time, notes were not considered necessary when you thanked someone in person. Today, with guest lists being longer and guests busier, a personal thank you note after receiving all those thoughtful wedding gifts is the only way to make sure sincere appreciation...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
19 Aug 2016
The groom’s cake is a smaller cake that is served at the wedding reception. Young women (unmarried) will want to take a piece of the groom’s cake home to place under their pillows and the old wives tale says “they will marry whomever they dream of that night.” We recommend that the groom’s mother bake the groom’s cake herself. It can be anything from fruitcake...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
19 Aug 2016
The Wedding Dance Dancing at your reception is a lovely way to bring an air of elegance and family togetherness to a wonderfully happy and joyous occasion. Traditionally, the bride and groom will be the first to dance as their special song is played softly. Lights dimmed low create a romantic atmosphere. As the music continues to play, the father of the bride will cut...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
19 Aug 2016
The Best Man’s responsibilities include Make absolutely sure that the groom has the marriage license with him. Receive the minister’s fee from the groom and give it to the minister privately following the ceremony. Help the groom pack for his honeymoon. Help the groom dress for the ceremony. If a ring bearer is to be in the wedding, the Best Man is responsible to oversee...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
19 Aug 2016
The Maid of Honor’s (MOH) responsibilities include: Attending all prenuptial parties. Help address invitations and announcements. Entertain a party for the bride and groom…if possible. This could be a couple’s shower. Assist bride with going away clothes and luggage. Be sure that bridesmaids are kept aware of their fitting appointments, rehearsal obligations and any special duties that the bride may wish for them to do. Arrange...
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by Ourmarriage Consultant
19 Aug 2016
Responsibilities of the Mother of the Bride The Primary responsibility of the Mother of the Bride is to see that the bride’s wishes are carried out the bride’s way. It will be your responsibility to help the bride plan her wedding with her tastes in mind…not your’s, unless, it is the true desire of the bride to “let mom run things.” Here are your primary responsibilities:...
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